Hospital Management System Server

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How to start the server

There are 2 ways to start up the server, the normal way and the docker way.

Docker to setup server

The environment is organized as a docker container, locates in docker-compose/, just docker-compose up. The port can be changed as you like in docker-compose.yml

To do this:

  1. Install docker (Or check on docker's official website to find how to install docker on your operating system)
$ wget -qO- | sh
  1. Install docker-comopse
$ pip install docker-compose
  1. Make the Swift docker to run

    3.1. data container docker run -v /srv --name SWIFT_DATA busybox

    3.2 Swift container ID=$(docker run -d -p 8081:8080 --volumes-from SWIFT_DATA -t morrisjobke/docker-swift-onlyone)

  2. Run the docker container of server with redis, go to the docker-compose/, run:

docker-compose up

or try if with sudo

It will take some time to download the images and install dependencies.

Normal way

  1. Install the requirements
pip3 install -r docker-compose/requirements.txt
  1. Create the db file
python3 -m server.models
  1. Start the server
python3 -m server.gateway
  1. Start a redis server whether local or in a docker container




  • Filter characters like space and other unwanted characters from requests data
  • Expire time of token
  • Encryption auth data
  • ~~Need a unique employee id to avoid duplicated registration.~~
  • ~~use a separated user auth module (may use the swift's tempauth like method, which uses memcache to store token, set a expire time on each token, or the auth middleware
  • ~~functest, probtest, unittest~~
  • ~~deal with the security of password storing and transferring~~




  • Python >= 2.7 or 3.4
  • Gunicorn
  • Falcon >= 0.3.0
  • peewee >= 2.6.1
  • swiftclient >= 2.7.0
  • redis
  • Six >= 1.9

Test Requirements

  • Python >= 2.7 or 3.4
  • Falcon >= 0.3.0
  • peewee >= 2.6.1
  • swiftclient >= 2.7.0
  • requests >= 2.8.1
  • redis
  • Six >= 1.9